Upload Files
Sending your file:
You can send us your artwork by using the following methods:-
1. via https://www.wetransfer.com / https://www.dropbox.com
Send your artwork files via email directly to sales@X-Prints.com
2. via download link from clients' website.
note: Please do not email photos or images via email as it will clogged up our email server.
Once your artwork is received, we will thoroughly review the artwork for any problems.
Always be sure to reference either your order number or company name with any artwork being submitted.
Important Information for Graphics Upload:
All uploaded graphics should be in CMYK format, PDF, JPG or TIFF format only.
- Artwork file to have no bleeds.
Image files should have a minimum of 150 dpi in high resolution, file size should be around 350Mb (varies).
Printed graphics may vary from what it appears on your computer monitor.
- Output Requirement
1) The highest quality output is created from Photoshop CMYK TIFF files. For “raster” graphics, the larger the file, the better your output. We occasionally print full-graphic displays from files less then 100MB. However, files of 300-600MB have much more detail and look noticeably better.
2) If using any program other than Photoshop, be sure all image are saved in CMYK format. Setup files at 100% of final size and 150 DPI/PPI (300 DPI/PPI at 50%). Leave images in CMYK mode for best results. Minimum acceptable levels are 100-110DPI/PPI for graphics and 100-120DPI for photographs.
3) DO NOT increase both image size and image resolution of your file without rescanning. Artificially increasing image resolution in a program like Adobe Photoshop will reduce image quality by making the image appear out of focus and fuzzy.
4) Select Pantone colors directly (do not “build” colors). Do not overlap vector & raster graphics of the same color.
5) All images placed or embedded into documents shout be included separately, in addition to the completed file. Convert all text to paths (or curves).